SS.7.C.2.10 Examine the impact of media, individuals, and interest

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SS.7.C.2.10 Examine the impact of media, individuals, and interest groups on monitoring and influencing government.

Public Sphere is a place where society discusses the issues that affect everyone The Public agenda is a list of issues that much of society agrees are a priority Public Policy is the stand a government takes on an issue

Today you will need Reading Passage “The Role of the Media” Graphic Organizer Pencil Highlighter

Have you ever watched a television newscast? Do you recall any details? Who do you think makes the decisions about what stories television newscasts discuss?

The media is the source of our news and information about current events

What are the three ways the media monitors and influences the Government?

The media decides which stories and issues do and do not receive attention

Due to the media’s role as a gatekeeper, they influence which issues become part of the public sphere and public agenda

The media plays the role of a watchdog alerting the public where there are issues of concern related to the government and others in power. In this role, the media also allows the public to watch and be aware.

The impact varies, however the media can bring to light issues within the government to inform the public. The media can also focus on stories, which can impact the issues the government chooses to focus on. They have a large impact on the government due to their watchdog role

Interest groups gather people and resources to support public policies that help their members – Top Interest Groups Giving to Members of Congress, 2012 Cycle php .

What issue is this table focusing on? How do you know? What does this have to do with interest groups? Based on the amounts of money contributed by interest groups, what can you summarize about the impact of interest groups on congressional elections? What evidence in the table led you to your answer?

Contribution Limits 2013-14 link from the Federal Election Commission: html#Contribution Limits

What issue is this table focusing on? How do you know? What does this have to do with interest groups? How might this table and the information from be related? What does this tell you about the impact of interest groups? What evidence in the table led you to your answer

What are the three ways that interest groups monitor and influence the government?

Interest groups hire lobbyists to meet with members of the government and discuss the groups issues and concerns Endorsing Candidates interest groups will officially support candidates during elections Raising Money Interest groups that want to raise money for candidates must form a Political Action Committee (PAC)

Impact varies, however interest groups are often successful in persuading government officials to take their issues into consideration Voters take notice of endorsements from Interest Groups Able to raise lots of money to support candidates Limit contribution laws have been created to limit the affect of interest groups

Voting- Individuals can influence government by casting a vote Attending Civic Meetings- Individuals can monitor and influence government by attending meetings and learning about issues

Petitioning the Government- Individuals can influence and monitor by creating and signing petitions Running for Office- Individuals can influence the government by running for office and making their own opinions

Impact varies, however most effective way for an individual to influence the government is to run for office Serving in a public office makes you part of the government

Can communicate civics views by attending meetings, signing petition, contacting a representative(phone, mail, vote) Most direct way to influence government through a campaign is by working/volunteering for a campaign and voting.

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