Writing a Personal Statement Dr. Diana Betz October 30, 2013

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Writing a Personal Statement Dr. Diana Betz October 30, 2013

What is a personal statement? A misnomer? Statement of purpose Statement of research interests and experience

They’re looking for Your research ideas and/or professional goals To see if you are A good match

Your statement should describe your goals in a way that: Shows you’ve done your homework on the field the program the faculty Explains why you’re a good fit for all 3!

How to write about your Research or Professional Goals Do your homework! Take notes on program and faculty websites Individualize paragraph or 2 to highlight: Program focus and/or main research topics, and how your goals align with them Faculty you’d want to work with, and what you’d want to study with them

How NOT to write about your Research or Professional Goals Don’t overshare Goal shouldn’t be to understand own or loved ones’ mental health Case-by-case basis – ask an advisor! Avoid cliches “I want to help ” “Everyone tells me I’d make a great therapist!”

They’re looking for To see if you are Your research ideas and/or professional goals A good match Skills that prepare you for this program Likely to succeed

Your statement should describe your skills in a way that: Selectively highlights achievements like: Classes (beyond requirements) Research assistant positions, internships, or jobs Clinical experience (if applicable) Independent research!!

Your statement should describe your skills in a way that: and relates those achievements to necessary skills, like: Research design and statistics Knowledge of your research area of interest Independent, creative thought Sticktoitiveness Dedication to the long slog of research

How to write about your Skills: Tell the story of how you became a person capable of conducting rigorous, independent research Highlight what you learned from each achievement Explain how each step built on what came before it

How NOT to write about your Skills: Don’t repeat your c.v. word for word Don’t focus on basic requirements: show how you went above and beyond

They’re looking for To see if you are Your research ideas and/or professional goals A good match Skills that prepare you for this program Likely to succeed Strong writing skills Likely to publish and secure grants Conscientious

The way your statement is written should: Demonstrate that you can write like a scientist: Organized Well-supported Concise Clear Show your attention to detail Pay attention to application requirements Check spelling, grammar, formatting

How to write well: Revise, revise, revise Follow application requirements 2 statements? Particular theme? Maintain formal tone Proofread

How NOT to write well: Do NOT exceed page limit Don’t joke around or try to be cute Don’t keep your statement to yourself: you need other eyes on it!

Using Campus Resources 1. Faculty mentor(s) or advisor(s) Best resource! 2. Writing Center For mechanics, not content

Questions? Roger Bacon 219 [email protected]

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