Nichelle K. Norris IS 373: World Wide Web Standards

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Nichelle K. Norris IS 373: World Wide Web Standards

City # City Name 1 Boston 2 London 3 New York 4 Los Angeles Everyone uses databases for many different reasons, and each database has many different sources of information.

A Database is simply a set of related information. Example: Phonebook Relational Databases were developed in the 1970s by Edgar F. Codd (IBM) Relational Databases are multiple sets of tables that hold specific information for one record. This was developed in order to properly organize the data into a system that was easier to gather the information for one instance.

A query is a request for specific information from a database.

Codd’s definition of the relational model, he proposed a language called DSL/Alpha for manipulating the data in relational tables. IBM commissioned a group to build a prototype language based on Codd’s ideas. Originally called SQUARE but after some refinements it was changed to SEQUEL. The acronym SEQUEL was later changed to SQL because "SEQUEL" was a trademark of the UK-based aircraft company.

SQL is an ANSI (American National Standards Institute) standard and there are many different versions of the SQL Versions. There Are 4 Version of SQL

It is Divided into two segments SQL DDL (Database Definition Language) SQL DML (Database Manipulation Language) Some databases require a semicolon at the end of each statement. SQL DML Consists of the commands for query requests. SELECT UPDATE DELETE INSERT INTO

SQL DDL Consists of the commands for tables to be created or deleted. CREATE DATABASE ALTER DATABASE CREATE TABLE ALTER TABLE CREATE INDEX DROP INDEX Not CaSe SeNsItIvE

SELECT * FROM Persons SELECT * FROM Book WHERE price 100.00 ORDER BY title;

SQL is used in a variety programs that people use everyday Websites (facebook, shopping websites) Oracle Microsoft Access Microsoft SQL Servers MySQL

SQL seems to have a strong community backing with hundreds of forums. SQL is a reliable standard because the main commands are still the same despite the version that is in use.

Security? No Security Issues Privacy? There are no privacy issues since this is strictly for database manipulation

SQL is a reliable standard It’s simple enough for anyone to use. Universal amongst relational database design. Used in countless ways all over the world. SQL structure has been the same since it’s conception over 40 years and probably won’t be changed for at least another 30-40 years.

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