Initial Preparation to Encounter Christ in the Sacrament of Penance

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Initial Preparation to Encounter Christ in the Sacrament of Penance & Reconciliation A New Evangelization Perspective CATECHETICAL SUNDAY 2014, Ximena DeBroeck-Preparation to Encounter Christ in Reconciliation-New Evangelization CATECHIST IN-SERVICE

Prayer Ximena DeBroeck-Preparation to Encounter Christ in Reconciliation-New Evangelization

“The Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation is the privileged place to receive God’s mercy and forgiveness In this sacrament, all the baptized have a new and personal encounter with Jesus Christ, ” XIII Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, For giving Final Propositions, 2012, no. 33, Sin by Jason J e n ic k e Ximena DeBroeck-Preparation to Encounter Christ in Reconciliation-New Evangelization

The Sacrament of Penance & Reconciliation Forgiving Sin by Jason Jenicke a new and personal encounter with Jesus Christ, ”

Objectives Who is the catechist, and for sacramental preparation? who is responsible A relationship in need of healing Disposition to receive Penance and Reconciliation Essential catechesis in preparation to receive Penance and Reconciliation Ximena DeBroeck-Preparation to Encounter Christ in Reconciliation-New Evangelization

Sacramental Preparation Who is a catechist, and who is responsible for sacramental preparation? The entire Christian community Bishop is chief catechist Parents Anyone who teaches the faith to children, youth, or adults Lay catechists: volunteer or employed by Church Clergy Ximena DeBroeck-Preparation to Encounter Christ in Reconciliation-New Evangelization

A Relationship in Need of Healing We are created in the image of the harmonious and just relationship within the Trinity. Sin disrupted this state of “original justice.” God continuously invites us to return to a right and just relationship. God never tires of forgiving us; we are the ones who tire of seeking his mercy. (Evangelii Gaudium, no. 3) Ximena DeBroeck-Preparation to Encounter Christ in Reconciliation-New Evangelization

A Relationship in Need of Healing We are created in God’s image and likeness (Gn 1:26-27). God is relational/God exists in relationship. We are created to be IN relationship with God and with others. We are created in the image of the harmonious and just relationship within the Trinity. Ximena DeBroeck-Preparation to Encounter Christ in Reconciliation-New Evangelization

A Relationship in Need of Healing Christ reconciled humanity with God and restored this just relationship. Justification is the first act of reconciliation. Christ reconciled us to the Father, made us partakers in his divine nature. Ximena DeBroeck-Preparation to Encounter Christ in Reconciliation-New Evangelization

A Relationship in Need of Healing Christ’s miracles during his public ministry were primarily healings that restored people to life in community. Restoration to community restoration of relationship with God Christ’s words and deeds anticipate the power of Paschal Mystery grace received through sacraments Ximena DeBroeck-Preparation to Encounter Christ in Reconciliation-New Evangelization

A Relationship in Need of Healing Christ’s miracles during his public ministry were primarily healings that restored people to life in community. Power to forgive and reconcile belongs to God. God’s love and mercy have primacy in this sacrament. Ximena DeBroeck-Preparation to Encounter Christ in Reconciliation-New Evangelization

Disposition to Receive the Sacrament The sacraments are efficacious signs of grace, instituted by Christ. . . . They bear fruit in those who receive them with the required dispositions. (Catechism of the Catholic Church [CCC], no. 1131) Ximena DeBroeck-Preparation to Encounter Christ in Reconciliation-New Evangelization

Disposition to Receive the Sacrament The sacraments are efficacious signs that effect the grace they signify—because it is CHRIST HIMSELF who is at work (ex opere operato) (CCC, nos. 1127-1128). The fruitfulness of the sacraments also depends on the disposition of the person receiving the sacrament (CCC, nos. 1128, 1131). Ximena DeBroeck-Preparation to Encounter Christ in Reconciliation-New Evangelization

Disposition to Receive the Sacrament Is the concept of disposition new? Is this a new teaching? NO Aquinas taught that, for those who receive Baptism as adults, the effects vary greatly; some receive greater grace than others according to their disposition. (Summa Theologiae, Tertia Pars Q. 69 art.8) Ximena DeBroeck-Preparation to Encounter Christ in Reconciliation-New Evangelization

Disposition to Receive the Sacrament Believe in God’s grace, forgiveness, and mercy. Be aware of the reality of sin. Desire a conversion of heart. Be willing to cooperate with God’s grace. Ximena DeBroeck-Preparation to Encounter Christ in Reconciliation-New Evangelization

Disposition to Receive the Sacrament The disposition of the penitent is expressed in these actions: Examination of conscience Reflection from which realization of woundedness and need for healing, as well as a desire for conversion, follow Contrition Confession Penance (satisfaction) Ximena DeBroeck-Preparation to Encounter Christ in Reconciliation-New Evangelization

Essential Catechesis for This Sacrament We try our best. We are diligent about giving the right preparation, right? But . . . those whom we have prepared fail to practice the faith . . . Where are they months or years after receiving the sacraments? Don’t get discouraged . . . but be careful!!! Let’s not lose sight of the forest because of the trees. Ximena DeBroeck-Preparation to Encounter Christ in Reconciliation-New Evangelization

Essential Catechesis for This Sacrament What is truly essential? The goal of faith formation—including sacraments— not simply accumulation of information, but rather formation of intentional disciples of Christ. Ximena DeBroeck-Preparation to Encounter Christ in Reconciliation-New Evangelization is

Essential Catechesis for This Sacrament An intentional disciple of Christ Desires to have a personal relationship with Christ Is NOT formed in one or two school years Embarks on a LIFELONG JOURNEY to deepen the relationship with Christ Experiences CONVERSION and desires RESTORATION of the relationship with Christ when sin has occurred Ximena DeBroeck-Preparation to Encounter Christ in Reconciliation-New Evangelization

Essential Catechesis for This Sacrament Forming an intentional disciple of Christ . . . Formation begins with hearing the Good News. Evangelization occurs prior to catechesis. Proclamation of the kerygma is essential. Tell the story of God’s love and his invitation to a personal relationship with each one of us!! Ximena DeBroeck-Preparation to Encounter Christ in Reconciliation-New Evangelization

Essential Catechesis for This Sacrament Forming an intentional disciple of Christ . . . Is NOT a new fad—it is DIVINE PEDAGOGY Christ formed his first disciples by inviting them to follow him and revealing God’s love. Matthew 4:18-19; Mark 1:16-17; Luke 5:27 Matthew 9:9; Mark 2:13-14 John 1:39 Ximena DeBroeck-Preparation to Encounter Christ in Reconciliation-New Evangelization

Essential Catechesis for this Sacrament Forming an intentional disciple of Christ Information is received intellectually However, this information will only lead to transformation when the HEART is open to an ENCOUNTER with GOD Ximena DeBroeck-Preparation to Encounter Christ in Reconciliation-New Evangelization

Essential Catechesis for This Sacrament Essential catechesis for the Sacrament of Reconciliation . . . National Directory for Catechesis (NDC), p. 132 Acknowledgment of God’s faithful love Acknowledgment of the existence of sin and the capacity to commit sin Acknowledgment of God’s power to forgive sin and reconcile the sinner with himself and with the Church Ximena DeBroeck-Preparation to Encounter Christ in Reconciliation-New Evangelization

Essential Catechesis for This Sacrament Essential catechesis for the Sacrament of Reconciliation . . . NDC, pp. 132-136 God’s plan for holiness and salvation of all God’s infinity love and mercy Christ himself forgives—priest is minister. The priest is bound by the seal of confession (CCC, no. 1467). Ximena DeBroeck-Preparation to Encounter Christ in Reconciliation-New Evangelization

Essential Catechesis for This Sacrament Essential catechesis for the Sacrament of Reconciliation . . . NDC, pp. 132-136 Sin is turning away from God and not loving fully. Ten Commandments teach us about loving God and others. Mortal sins: serious matter, full knowledge, intentional and conscious consent (CCC, no. 1857). Some factors diminish responsibility and culpability for an action (CCC, nos. 1735, 1860). Ximena DeBroeck-Preparation to Encounter Christ in Reconciliation-New Evangelization

Essential Catechesis for This Sacrament Essential catechesis for the Sacrament of Reconciliation . . . NDC, pp. 132-136 Centrality of desire for conversion and importance of disposition Effects are healing, reconciliation, and restoration. Explanation of symbols, gestures, and prayers Be respectful of each person’s unique circumstances. Involve parents of young children and adolescents. Ximena DeBroeck-Preparation to Encounter Christ in Reconciliation-New Evangelization

Reflection for Catechists Luke 18:35-43 What does this passage say about the blind man’s encounter with Christ? What does Jesus ask in verse 41, and what does this tell you about the disposition of the man? What else is significant to you in this passage? How can this passage help you prepare others to encounter Christ in the Sacrament of Reconciliation? Ximena DeBroeck-Preparation to Encounter Christ in Reconciliation-New Evangelization

Reflection for Catechists Catechetical Sunday 2014, 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A Isaiah 55:6-9; Psalm 145:2-3, 8-9, 17-18; Phil 1:20c-24, 27; Matthew 20:1-16 What is the central theme of these readings? What connection do you notice between the First Reading and the Gospel? What advice does Paul give concerning conduct, and how do you think this relates to discipleship? How does the message of the Responsorial Psalm relate to the encounter with Christ in the Sacrament Reconciliation? Ximena DeBroeck-Preparation to Encounter Christ in Reconciliation-New Evangelization of Penance and

Bibliography Aquinas, Thomas. "Third Part, Question 69. The effects of Baptism." New Advent - The Summa Theologica of St. Thomas Aquinas literally translated by Fathers of the English Dominican Province. 1920 (second and revised edition) - 2008 online edition (by Kevin Knight). (accessed January 4, 2014). Catechism of the Catholic Church. 2nd ed. Vatican City: Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 1997. Congregation for the Clergy. General Directory for Catechesis. Washington DC: USCCB Publishing, 1998. Francis, Pope. "Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Gaudium [Joy of the Gospel]." Vatican. November 24, 2013. father/francesco/apost exhortations/documents/papa-francesco esortazioneap 20131124 evangelii-gaudium en.html (accessed January 5, 2014). USCCB Committee on Education and Committee on Catechesis. National Directory for Catechesis. Washington DC: USCCB Publishing, 2005. Vatican Council II. "Decree Presbyterorum Ordinis [Decree on the Ministry and Life of Priests], promulgated by Pope Paul VI,." Vatican. December 7, 1965. councils/ii vatican council/documents/vatii decree 19651207 presbyterorum-ordinis en.html (accessed December 22, 2013). XIII Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops. "Final Propositions." Vatican. October 27, 2012. services/press/sinodo/documents/bollettino 25 xiii-ordinaria-2012/02 inglese/b33 02.html (accessed December 20, 2013). Art Credit Forgiving Sin (A Prodigal Daughter) by Jason Jenicke @ Used with permission. Ximena DeBroeck-Preparation to Encounter Christ in Reconciliation-New Evangelization

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