My Career as a Large Animal Veterinarian Noe Guevara Fall 2013

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My Career as a Large Animal Veterinarian Noe Guevara Fall 2013

Education or Training For a veterinarian, you will need to get further training after high school. I plan on going to Auburn, Berry, or Vanderbilt You will need on the job training because you can’t learn by just listing. need hands on training

Why Did I Choose This Career? I picked this career because I grew up on farms. My hole family grew up on farms. I ended up choosing this because I wanted to be something I was comfortable around with. The most I would like about my job is just being around farm animals.

Salary Large Animal Vets usually get paid around 40,000 to 150,000 a year. I plan on moving to Texas and working there because there is a lot of farms and possibly make more money.

Job Description I would be working in a lab or in a farm. An average will work 8 hours a day for 5 days a week.

Job Outlook This career will increase in the future by 15% You will need a masters degree and 3 years of veterinarian school for a Large Animal Vet.

What I will wear to my job. Most vets will wear a lab coat. Vet assistance will wear a greenish scrubs.

Video link Working on the field

Resources Google Youtube

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