HARMONY IN THE HOME Sermon on the Mount -3 [By Ron Halbrook; Mike

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HARMONY IN THE HOME Sermon on the Mount -3 [By Ron Halbrook; Mike Willis, Harmony in the

TWO WAYS TO LIVE t i on a l e r t h d g i o R G GOD GOD with OVER OVER MAN MAN OR n i s f o Life MAN MAN OVER OVER GOD GOD Impact of this battle on: Individual Church Family 2

HARMONY IN THE HOME Sermon on the Mount - 2 Introduction: 1. Christ introduced his new kingdom in the Sermon on the Mount (Matt. 5-7) Kingdom: God’s rule for our salvation, realm of fellowship with God 3

HARMONY IN THE HOME Sermon on the Mount - 3 2. Matt. 5-7 Conduct in the kingdom Be truthful in speech Seek no revenge Love your enemy Pray together Forgive one another Avoid wrong judgments 4

HARMONY IN THE HOME Sermon on the Mount - 3 I. Conduct in the Kingdom A. Be Truthful in Speech Matt. 5:33-37 Always tell the truth 5

33 ye have heard that itithath been 33Again, Again, ye have heard that hath Matt. 5:33-37 Always tell the truth been said saidby bythem themof ofold oldtime, time, Thou Thoushalt shaltnot notforswear forswear thyself, but shalt thyself, but shalt perform performunto untothe theLord Lordthine thineoaths: oaths: 34 34But ButI Isay sayunto untoyou, you, Swear Swearnot notat atall; all; neither neitherby byheaven; heaven; for forititisisGod's God'sthrone: throne: 35 Nor by the earth; 35 Nor by the earth; for forititisishis hisfootstool: footstool: neither neitherby by Jerusalem; Jerusalem; 6 for it is the city of the great King. for it is the city of the great King.

Matt. 5:33-37 Always tell the truth 37 37But Butlet letyour yourcommunication communication be, Yea, be, Yea,yea; yea; Nay, Nay,nay: nay: for forwhatsoever whatsoeverisis more than these more than these 37 Let your yes mean 37 Let your yes mean cometh of evil. cometh of evil. yes, yes, and andyour yourno no mean mean no. no. Anything Anythingmore morethan thanthis this comes from the evil one. 7

HARMONY IN THE HOME Sermon on the Mount - 3 I. Conduct in the Kingdom A. Be Truthful in Speech Moses’ Law: if take oath in God’s name, must keep it Jews’ loophole: swear w/o God’s name, permitted to lie Jesus taught total honesty: tell the truth, the whole truth, nothing but the truth—always! 8

HARMONY IN THE HOME Sermon on the Mount - 3 I. Conduct in the Kingdom A. Be Truthful in Speech Destroy trust in the loopholes & lies: Use of funds Whereabouts Drink Gamble home if use Pornography Secret friend Adultery Other sins 9

HARMONY IN THE HOME Sermon on the Mount - 3 I. Conduct in the Kingdom A. Be Truthful in Speech Total honesty in speech, integrity, transparency build trust & security in the home—harmony! 10

HARMONY IN THE HOME Sermon on the Mount - 3 I. Conduct in the Kingdom B. Seek No Revenge Matt. 5:38-42 Show restraint & goodwill when provoked 11

Matt. 5:38-42 Show restraint & goodwill when provoked 38 38Ye Yehave haveheard heardthat thatitithath hathbeen been said, An said, Aneye eyefor foran aneye, eye,and andaa tooth toothfor foraatooth: tooth: 39 But I say unto you, 39 But I say unto you, That Thatye yeresist resistnot not evil: evil: but butwhosoever whosoevershall shallsmite smitethee thee on onthy thyright right cheek, cheek, turn turnto tohim himthe theother otheralso. also. 12

Matt. 5:38-42 Show restraint & goodwill when provoked 40 40And Andififany anyman manwill willsue suethee theeat atthe thelaw, law, and andtake takeaway awaythy thycoat coat, , let lethim himhave havethy thycloke clokealso. also. 41 And whosoever shall compel thee to go a 41 And whosoever shall compel thee to go a mile mile, ,go gowith withhim himtwain. twain. 42 42Give Giveto tohim himthat thatasketh askeththee, thee, and andfrom fromhim himthat thatwould would borrow turn borrowof ofthee thee turnnot notthou thou away. away. 13

HARMONY IN THE HOME Sermon on the Mount - 3 I. Conduct in the Kingdom B. Seek No Revenge Moses’ Law administered civil justice Christ’s law: use goodwill & restraint when provoked by slights, insults, embarrassments, inconveniences, & minor injustices or injuries 14

HARMONY IN THE HOME Sermon on the Mount - 3 I. Conduct in the Kingdom B. Seek No Revenge If mates use revenge & retaliation: destroy peace & harmony If mates use goodwill & restraint when provoked: harmony in the home! 15

HARMONY IN THE HOME Sermon on the Mount - 3 I. Conduct in the Kingdom C. Love Your Enemy Matt. 5:43-48 Imitate God’s love for His enemies 16

Matt. 5:43-48 Imitate God’s love for His enemies 43 43Ye Yehave haveheard heardthat thatitithath hathbeen beensaid, said, Thou Thoushalt shaltlove lovethy thyneighbour, neighbour, and andhate hatethine thineenemy. enemy. 44 44But ButI Isay sayunto untoyou, you, Love your enemies, Love your enemies, bless blessthem themthat that curse do curseyou, you, do good to them that hate you, good to them that hate you, and andpray prayfor forthem themwhich which despitefully and despitefullyuse useyou, you, and persecute 17 persecuteyou; you;

Matt. 5:43-48 Imitate God’s love for His enemies 45 45That Thatye yemay maybe bethe thechildren childrenof ofyour your Father Fatherwhich whichisisin inheaven: heaven: for forhe hemaketh makethhis hissun sunto to rise and riseon onthe theevil evil andon on the thegood, good, and sendeth rain on the just and sendeth rain on the just and andon onthe the unjust. unjust. 18

Matt. 5:43-48 Imitate God’s love for His enemies 46 46For Forififye yelove lovethem themwhich whichlove love you, what you, whatreward reward have haveye? ye? do not even the do not even the publicans publicansthe thesame? same? 47 47And Andififye yesalute saluteyour yourbrethren brethren only, what only, whatdo do ye yemore morethan thanothers? others? do not even the do not even the publicans 19 publicansso? so?

HARMONY IN THE HOME Sermon on the Mount - 3 I. Conduct in the Kingdom C. Love Your Enemy Matt. 5:43-48 Imitate God’s love for His enemies When abused & treated as an enemy, do not hate but love, bless, do good, & pray for him Returning good for wrongs: harmony! 20

HARMONY IN THE HOME Sermon on the Mount - 3 I. Conduct in the Kingdom D. Pray Together Matt. 6:5-13 How to pray 21

Matt. 6:5-13 How to pray 55And Andwhen whenthou thouprayest, prayest, thou thoushalt shaltnot notbe beas asthe the hypocrites for hypocritesare: are: forthey they love loveto topray praystanding standingin inthe thesynagogues synagogues and andininthe thecorners cornersof ofthe thestreets, streets, that thatthey theymay maybe beseen seen of men. of men. Verily VerilyI Isay sayunto untoyou, you,They Theyhave havetheir their reward. reward. 66But Butthou, thou,when whenthou thouprayest, prayest, enter enterinto intothy thycloset, closet, and 22 andwhen whenthou thou

Matt. 6:5-13 How to pray 77But Butwhen whenye yepray, pray,use usenot notvain vain repetitions, as the heathen do: repetitions, as the heathen do: for forthey theythink think that thatthey theyshall shallbe beheard heard for fortheir theirmuch muchspeaking. speaking. 88Be Benot notye yetherefore thereforelike likeunto untothem: them: for foryour your Father Fatherknoweth knowethwhat whatthings things ye have need of, before ye ask him. ye have need of, before ye ask him. 23

Matt. 6:5-13 How to pray 99After Afterthis thismanner mannertherefore thereforepray prayye: ye: Our OurFather Fatherwhich whichart artin in heaven, heaven, Hallowed Hallowedbe bethy thyname. name. 10 10Thy Thykingdom kingdomcome. come. Thy Thywill willbe bedone donein in earth, as it is in heaven. earth, as it is in heaven. 11 11Give Giveus usthis thisday dayour ourdaily dailybread. bread. 12 12And Andforgive forgiveus usour ourdebts, debts, as aswe weforgive forgiveour our debtors. debtors. 13 13And Andlead leadus usnot notinto intotemptation, temptation, 24

HARMONY IN THE HOME Sermon on the Mount - 3 I. Conduct in the Kingdom D. Pray Together Prayer draws us closer to God & to each other Praying together binds up our wounds; hard to be angry & abusive if pray 25

HARMONY IN THE HOME Sermon on the Mount - 3 I. Conduct in the Kingdom D. Pray Together Prayer puts our lives & marriage into God’s providential hands—promotes harmony in the home! 26

HARMONY IN THE HOME Sermon on the Mount - 3 I. Conduct in the Kingdom E. Forgive One Another Matt. 6:14-15 Be merciful & kind to forgive while asking God to forgive 27

Matt. 6:14-15 Be merciful & kind to forgive while asking God to forgive 14 14For Forififye yeforgive forgivemen mentheir theirtrespasses, trespasses, your yourheavenly heavenlyFather Fatherwill willalso alsoforgive forgive you: you: 15 15But Butififye yeforgive forgivenot notmen mentheir their trespasses, trespasses,neither neitherwill willyour yourFather Fatherforgive forgive your yourtrespasses. trespasses. 28

HARMONY IN THE HOME Sermon on the Mount - 3 I. Conduct in the Kingdom E. Forgive One Another Anger, harsh words, resentment, & refusal to ask or give forgiveness destroy peace & harmony Apologies & forgiveness restore peace & harmony! 29

HARMONY IN THE HOME Sermon on the Mount - 3 I. Conduct in the Kingdom F. Avoid Wrong Judgments Matt. 7:1-5 Do not judge hypocritically or hyper-critically 30

Matt. 7:1-5 Do not judge hypocritically or hyper-criticaly 11Judge Judgenot, not,that thatye yebe benot not judged. judged. 22For Forwith withwhat whatjudgment judgmentye ye judge, ye judge, ye shall be judged: shall be judged: and with what and with what measure measureye yemete, mete, ititshall shallbe be measured measuredto toyou youagain. again. 31

Matt. 7:1-5 Do not judge hypocritically or hyper-criticaly 33And Andwhy whybeholdest beholdestthou thouthe themote mote that thatisisin inthy thybrother's brother'seye, eye, but butconsiderest considerest not notthe thebeam beam that thatisisin inthine thineown owneye? eye? 44Or Orhow howwilt wiltthou thousay sayto tothy thybrother, brother, Let me pull out the mote out Let me pull out the mote out of and, ofthine thineeye; eye; and,behold, behold,aa beam beamisisin inthine thineown owneye? eye? 55Thou Thouhypocrite, hypocrite,first firstcast castout outthe thebeam beam out 32 outof ofthine thineown owneye; eye;

HARMONY IN THE HOME Sermon on the Mount - 3 I. Conduct in the Kingdom F. Avoid Wrong Judgments Matt. 7:1-5 Do not judge hypocritically hyper-critically Root of such judging: pride, self-righteousness 33

HARMONY IN THE HOME Sermon on the Mount - 3 I. Conduct in the Kingdom F. Avoid Wrong Judgments Matt. 7:1-5 Do not judge hypocritically or hyper-critically Result: emotional wounds, depression, alienation of mates If avoid such judging: more harmony! 34

HARMONY IN THE HOME Sermon on the Mount - 3 I. Conduct in the Kingdom G. Practice the Golden Rule Matt. 7:12 Treat others as we wish to be treated 12 12Therefore Thereforeall allthings thingswhatsoever whatsoeverye ye would wouldthat thatmen menshould shoulddo doto toyou, you, do ye even so to do ye even so to them: for them: forthis thisisis 35

HARMONY IN THE HOME Sermon on the Mount - 3 I. Conduct in the Kingdom G. Practice the Golden Rule Matt. 7:12 Treat others as we wish to be treated Desire compliments or bitter criticism? Desire encouragement or discouragement? Desire companionship or alienation? Desire mercy or harsh, abusive treatment? 36

HARMONY IN THE HOME Sermon on the Mount - 3 I. Conduct in the Kingdom G. Practice the Golden Rule Matt. 7:12 Treat others as we wish to be treated Rule based on unselfishness, consider nature & needs of mate— promotes harmony in the home! 37

HARMONY IN THE HOME Sermon on the Mount - 2 Conclusion: 1. Christ introduced his new kingdom in the Sermon on the Mount (Matt. 57) 38

HARMONY IN THE HOME Sermon on the Mount - 3 2. Matt. 5 Conduct in the kingdom Be truthful in speech Seek no revenge Love your enemy Pray together Forgive one another Avoid wrong judgments 39

HARMONY IN THE HOME Sermon on the Mount - 3 Conclusion 3. Jn. 3:5 Begin new life, enter the kingdom 55Jesus Jesusanswered, answered, Verily, Verily,verily, verily,I Isay sayunto untothee, thee, Except Exceptaaman manbe beborn born of ofwater waterand andof ofthe theSpirit, Spirit,he hecannot cannotenter enter into the kingdom of God. into the kingdom of God.in water baptism Born of water: submit and of the Spirit: gave the gospel 40

HARMONY IN THE HOME Sermon on the Mount - 3 Question: If I follow this teaching, how might my mate react? Truthful in Speech Avoid Revenge Love Your Enemy Pray Together Forgive Each Other Avoid Wrong Judgments Practice Golden Rule 41

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