Facilities Management Work Order Process

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Facilities Management Work Order Process

Requests for service (Oshkosh Campus) Facilities Management Request for routine maintenance and keys can be made 24 hours a day through the online work order system. Once you fill out all required information on the form and hit submit the request is sent to the FM administrative office. It is reviewed and then forwarded to the appropriate maintenance shop.

Facilities Management website Facilities Management The work order system is found on the Facilities Management website: uwosh.edu/facilities

Submitting a work request Facilities Management Click on the yellow button above “Work Order Request” to submit a request. Note: The site only works on campus internet, or with VPN access when working off campus.

TMA iServiceDesk Facilities Management Click on “Submit a Request” under Work Request:

Submit your Request Facilities Management Enter all required information:

Submit your Request Notes Facilities Management There is only 1 option in the Facility and Repair Center drop downs. We do not use the “Floor” field. “Area” is the room number. You will not get follow up emails if you do not enter a valid email address. A funding string should be entered in the account # field for all chargeable work orders in the following format: XXX-XXXXXX-X followed by the project number (if applicable). Only change the tag type from Area if the request is for a vehicle, choose vehicle and enter the vehicle # in the Tag # field.

After submitting a request Facilities Management After hitting submit, you will see your request # on the following screen:

Request email Facilities Management If you entered a valid email address, you would receive a confirmation email that includes the request #:

Work Order email Facilities Management Once the FM administrative staff has received the request and assigned it to a trade, you will receive an email with a work order #:

Rejection Email Facilities Management Sometimes a request is rejected. If you provided a valid email, an email response will explain why it was rejected:

Completed Work Order email Facilities Management A work order is marked complete in the system once the technician(s) has turned in the work order to the FM office. You will receive an email once the FM admin staff marks it complete:

Searching for a work order Facilities Management You can look up work orders on our website, if you have the work order #.

Searching for a work order (continued) Facilities Management Make sure “Work Order” is selected in the drop down in red under “Search by Number” Underneath “Work Order” enter the work order number in the following format: WO-XXXXXX, then click the arrows underneath.

Searching for a work order (continued) Facilities Management Once the work order is open you can choose to print the page, or view charges. Both options are in the upper right-hand corner in blue. You can see if this is a chargeable work order by looking at the response next to “Charge?” as highlighted below:

Searching for a work order (continued) Facilities Management Example of “view charges,” which also has a “print page” option

Chargeback process Facilities Management At the beginning of each month, the chargeback report is created and submitted to the Finance & Admin office to be entered into WISER. Paper copies of that report are intercampus mailed to the corresponding department. If you have questions on whether something is chargeable before submitting the work order, you can

Chargeback report example Facilities Management

Charges on work orders Facilities Management Depending on the work order, there may be charges for labor, and/or parts from Central Stores, and/or one time purchase parts, and/or a burden rate. One time purchase parts are items that are not needed on a regular basis, so we do not stock them in Stores. These parts are listed under “other” charges on a work order. The burden rate is 5% of the labor and parts total and is also under the “other” charges.

UW System Chargeback policy Facilities Management The chargeback procedure is not unique to UWO. It is a UW System policy (UW System Administrative Policy 322, formerly F25). The burden rate is part of the policy. It is meant to cover the cost of small items kept in inventory. For example, nails, screws, bolts, etc. For our campus, it is also used to cover the cost of vehicles and fuel.

Labor rates Facilities Management Labor rates vary depending on the trade. Chargeable trades include the following: plumbers, steamfitters, electricians, carpenters, painters, HVAC mechanics, facility technicians, locksmiths, vehicle equipment technicians, groundskeepers, custodians, and the Facility Managers for these areas. Per the System policy, these rates are determined with salaries, fringe benefits, and productive hours. The policy states “The chargeback rate should be applied to all time attributed to a particular job, including job breaks for travel and other related activities.”

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