Discuss the successes and failures of Benito Mussolini’s reign. A PA

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Discuss the successes and failures of Benito Mussolini’s reign. A PA P E R I I T Y P E P R E S E N T AT I O N BY FA N H UA N G KYLIE R EYNOLDS


Mussolini: The Father of Fascism July 29, 1883 – April 28, 1945 Head of Italian government 1922 – 1943 Grew up in an environment that was heavily socialist, republican, and nationalist. Leader of multiple political movements 1914 – Autonomous Fascists 1917 – Revolutionary Fascists 1918 – Constituent Fascists 1919 – Fighting Fascists 1921 – National Fascist Party

Mussolini: The Father of Fascism Was upset over the Treaty of Versailles (Benito Mussolini). Italy received very little from it. Member of Socialist Party 1900 – 1914 When Italy joined the Allies, Mussolini joined the army. (H., Jim) Became member of the middle class in 1914 Worked his way up to corporal rank. Displayed his views through the National Fascist Party in March, 1919. Brought answers to Italy’s turmoil.

What exactly is Fascism? Fascism is the concept of how a man is bind together by other individuals into thinking the same ideologies of the state (Cook). The Foundation of Fascism Totalitarianism Nationalism Militarism Giovanni Gentile Giovanni Gentile was the original author who “helped Mussolini formulate his political philosophy (Anissimov and Bronwyn).”

Factors that Led to Single Party State Mussolini believed war was the perfect opportunity for change. Italy’s suffered economic, social, and political instability because of war. The recruitment of the Blackshirts militia. Weakness of the government and the collapse of the Left. (Cook)

Mussolini’s Successes E A R LY A C H I E V E M E N T S RISE TO POWER L I F E A S A D I C TAT O R P O S T- D I S M I S S A L A C H I E V E M E N T S

Early Achievements 1904 – 1914 Mussolini was journalist and editor for Avanti (McMillan) Joined Italian army at the start of WWI War injury in 1917 allowed Mussolini to become editor of Popolo d’Italia Newspaper strongly demanded Allies to support Italy’s demands at Paris Peace Conference

Rise to Power Mussolini took advantage of Italy’s poor conditions. Mussolini attacked Vittorio Orlando because he failed to get Italy’s objectives with the Treaty of Versailles Formed the Black Shirts Appointed Prime Minister by King Emmanuel III in 1922 to avoid communist revolution in Italy

Mussolini as Dictator Carried out extensive public-works program Fascists tried improving various sectors of Italian affairs. (Mangion) Cultivation of more lands Irrigation of the marshes Production of corn Railway and road network improvements Lowered unemployment rates 1929 – Mussolini won jurisdiction of the Vatican through an agreement with the Papacy. (Mangion)

Mussolini as Dictator Captured capital of Ethiopia, Addis Ababa, in May 1936 Signed non-military alliance with Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany in October 1936 Invaded and captured Albania in 1939 Also signed Pact of Steel with Nazi Germany in 1939

Post-Dismissal Achievements Rescued from prison by Adolf Hitler and Otto Skorzeny on September 13, 1943 After rescue, Mussolini set up a Salo Republic Fascist regime in Herman occupied Northern Italy Arrested and executed five people that voted against him on the Fascist Grand Council One of those five was his son-in-law, Galaezzo Ciano

Mussolini’s Failures I N VA S I O N FA I LU R E S FA I LU R E A S A L E A D E R LOST LOTS OF LAND P O S T- D I S M I S S A L FA I LU R E S

Invasion Failures Invaded Ethiopia in 1935 League of Nations condemned and sanctioned Italy. Invaded Greece in 1940 Greece overpowered Italy Suffered from War in North Africa in 1940 Italy outnumbered the British but still faced numerous casualties. British took part of Tobruk.

Failures as a Leader By 1941, Mussolini was dependent on Nazi Germany for survival. Galaezzo Ciano became dissatisfied with Mussolini. Ciano resigned in February 1943.

Loss of Lands In July 1943, US and British forces attacked Italy Great amounts of land were confiscated. July July July July July 10 11 13 14 22 – – – – – Gela, Licata, and Vittoria Pallazolo Augusta Vizzini, Biscani Airfield, and Niscemi Palermo

End of Mussolini July 25, 1943 – Dismissal from office. He was immediately placed under arrest April 23, 1945 – Allied Army crossed River Po at Montua Mussolini escaped to Switzerland April 27, 1945 – Was captured Bodies were shot and hung.

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