1 Basic PHP Syntax Arrays Strings and regular expressions CS380

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1 Basic PHP Syntax Arrays Strings and regular expressions CS380

Arrays 2 name array(); # create name array(value0, value1, ., valueN); name[index] # get element value name[index] value; # set element value name[] value; # append PHP a array(); # empty array (length 0) a[0] 23; # stores 23 at index 0 (length 1) a2 array("some", "strings", "in", "an", "array"); a2[] "Ooh!"; # add string to end (at index 5) PHP Append: use bracket notation without specifying an index Element type is not specified; can mix types CS380

Array functions 3 function name(s) count print r array pop, array push, array shift, array unshift in array, array search, array reverse, sort, rsort, shuffle array fill, array merge, array intersect, array diff, array slice, range array sum, array product, description number of elements in the array print array's contents using array as a stack/queue searching and reordering creating, filling, filtering

Array function example 4 tas array("MD", "BH", "KK", "HM", "JP"); for ( i 0; i count( tas); i ) { tas[ i] strtolower( tas[ i]); } morgan array shift( tas); array pop( tas); array push( tas, "ms"); array reverse( tas); sort( tas); best array slice( tas, 1, 2); PHP the array in PHP replaces many other collections in Java CS380 list, stack, queue, set, map, .

foreach loop 5 foreach ( array as variableName) { . } PHP fellowship array(“Frodo", “Sam", “Gandalf", “Strider", “Gimli", “Legolas", “Boromir"); print “The fellowship of the ring members are: \n"; for ( i 0; i count( fellowship); i ) { print "{ fellowship[ i]}\n"; } print “The fellowship of the ring members are: \n"; foreach ( fellowship as fellow) { print " fellow\n"; } PHP CS380

Multidimensional Arrays 6 ?php AmazonProducts array( array(“BOOK", "Books", 50), array("DVDs", “Movies", 15), array(“CDs", “Music", 20) ); for ( row 0; row 3; row ) { for ( column 0; column 3; column ) { ? p ? AmazonProducts[ row][ column] ? ?php } ? /p ?php } ? PHP CS380

7 Multidimensional Arrays (cont.) ?php AmazonProducts array( array(“Code” “BOOK", “Description” "Books", “Price” 50), array(“Code” "DVDs", “Description” “Movies", “Price” 15), array(“Code” “CDs", “Description” “Music", “Price” 20) ); for ( row 0; row 3; row ) { ? p ? AmazonProducts[ row][“Code”] ? ? AmazonProducts[ row][“Description”] ? ? AmazonProducts[ row][“Price”] ? /p ?php } ? PHP CS380

String compare functions 8 Name strcmp strstr, strchr strpos Function compareTo find string/char within a string find numerical position of string str replace, Comparison can be: replace string substr replace Partial matches Others Variations with non case sensitive functions

9 String compare functions examples offensive array( offensive word1, offensive word2); feedback str replace( offcolor, “%!@*”, feedback); PHP test “Hello World! \n”; print strpos( test, “o”); print strpos( test, “o”, 5); PHP toaddress “[email protected]”; if(strstr( feedback, “shop”) toaddress “[email protected]”; else if(strstr( feedback, “delivery”) toaddress “[email protected]”; CS380 PHP

Regular expressions 10 [a-z]at #cat, rat, bat [aeiou] [a-zA-Z] [ a-z] #not a-z [[:alnum:]] #at least one alphanumeric char (very) *large #large, very very very large (very){1, 3} #counting “very” up to 3 bob #bob at the beginning com #com at the end PHPRegExp Regular expression: a pattern in a piece of text PHP has: CS380 POSIX Perl regular expressions

11 Embedded PHP CS380

12 Printing HTML tags in PHP bad style ?php print " !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN\"\n"; print " \"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/DTD/xhtml11.dtd\" \ n"; print " html xmlns \"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\" \n"; print " head \n"; print " title Geneva's web page /title \n"; . for ( i 1; i 10; i ) { print " p I can count to i! /p \n"; } ? HTML best PHP style is to minimize print/echo statements in embedded PHP code but without print, how do we insert dynamic content into the page?

PHP expression blocks 13 ? expression ? PHP h2 The answer is ? 6 * 7 ? /h2 PHP The answer is 42 output PHP expression block: a small piece of PHP that evaluates and embeds an expression's value into HTML expression ? is? equivalent to: ?php ? print expression; PHP CS380

Expression block example 14 !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/DTD/xhtml11.dtd" html xmlns "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" head title CSE 190 M: Embedded PHP /title /head body ?php for ( i 99; i 1; i--) { ? p ? i ? bottles of beer on the wall, br / ? i ? bottles of beer. br / Take one down, pass it around, br / ? i - 1 ? bottles of beer on the wall. /p ?php } ? /body /html PHP

15 Common errors: unclosed braces, missing sign . body p Watch how high I can count: ?php for ( i 1; i 10; i ) { ? ? i ? /p /body /html PHP if you forget to close your braces, you'll see an error about 'unexpected end' if you forget in ? , the expression does not produce any output CS380

Complex expression blocks 16 . body ?php for ( i 1; i 3; i ) { ? h ? i ? This is a level ? i ? heading. /h ? i ? ?php } ? /body PHP This is a level 1 heading. This is a level 2 heading. This is a level 3 heading. CS380 output

17 Advanced PHP Syntax Functions CS380

Functions 18 function name(parameterName, ., parameterName) { statements; } PHP function quadratic( a, b, c) { return - b sqrt( b * b - 4 * a * c) / (2 * a); } PHP parameter types and return types are not written a function with no return statements implicitly returns NULL CS380

Default Parameter Values 19 function print separated( str, separator ", ") { if (strlen( str) 0) { print str[0]; for ( i 1; i strlen( str); i ) { print separator . str[ i]; } } } PHP print separated("hello"); # h, e, l, l, o print separated("hello", "-"); # h-e-l-l-o PHP if no value is passed, the default will be used CS380

PHP Arrays Ex. 1 20 Arrays allow you to assign multiple values to one variable. For this PHP exercise, write an array variable of weather conditions with the following values: rain, sunshine, clouds, hail, sleet, snow, wind. Using the array variable for all the weather conditions, echo the following statement to the browser: We've seen all kinds of weather this month. At the beginning of the month, we had snow and wind. Then came sunshine with a few clouds and some rain. At least we didn't get any hail or sleet. Don't forget to include a title for your page, both CS380 in the header and on the page itself.

PHP Arrays Ex. 2 21 For this exercise, you will use a list of ten of the largest cities in the world. (Please note, these are not the ten largest, just a selection of ten from the largest cities.) Create an array with the following values: Tokyo, Mexico City, New York City, Mumbai, Seoul, Shanghai, Lagos, Buenos Aires, Cairo, London. Print these values to the browser separated by commas, using a loop to iterate over the array. Sort the array, then print the values to the browser in an unordered list, again using a loop. Add the following cities to the array: Los Angeles, CS380 Calcutta, Osaka, Beijing. Sort the array again,

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