Writing a Code of Ethics

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Writing a Code of Ethics

What is a Code of Ethics A code of ethics can help a business determine its priorities and values. A code of ethics is a collection of principles and practices that a business believes in and aims to live by. A code of business ethics usually doesn't stand alone, it works in conjunction with a company's mission statement and more specific policies about conduct to give employees, partners, vendors, and outsiders an idea of what the company stands for and how it's members should conduct themselves.

Set Priorities The first step a company has to take in laying out a code of ethics is deciding what values are important to it and what lines it won't cross. Decide what is non-negotiable for you.

Get Input A common mistake that companies make when drafting a code of ethics is not to consult employees. Even if you think you're in tune with the daily trials and tribulations of your staff, you should solicit broader participation in the crafting of the code. Employees need to have a say in it but they also need to know why the code is important and why it ultimately contains the tenets that it does.

Don't Sweat the Small Stuff Making sure your code of ethics is neither too vague, nor too specific can be a challenge, and a slip up can make employees resentful of the endeavor.

Guidelines for Writing a Code of Ethics http://www.ethicsweb.ca/codes/coe3. htm

eHow: How to Write a Code of Ethics http://www.ehow.com/how 4685931 write-code-ethics-business.html

Ten Writing Tips for Creating an Effective Code of Conduct http://www.ethics.org/resource/ten-w riting-tips-creating-effective-code-co nduct

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