Security Issues in Cloud Computing

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Security Issues in Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing Cloud Computing is an emerging field wherein the focus is on providing virtualized resources as service. Also the user is almost entirely blinded from the infrastructure that supports Cloud Computing. his is why we have most of the issues in Cloud Computing

Security issues and possible solutions the privacy of the user data in the Issue 1Maintaining : Solutions: Users must be informed of what data is being collected and it would be used. (b) Users must be informed about the entities having access to their data.

Issue 2 : Dynamic data Storage Solutions: he user data is stored on a server that may be anywhere in t globe. ifferent parts of the user data may be stored in different ser hese servers are actually encrypted block servers. he user data is usually encrypted using a strong AES encryp algorithm.

Issue 3 :Data Recovery Solutions: a can be easily lost because of a successful attack or in the any natural disaster. a precautionary measure cloud providers should store data ss risky areas. e cloud providers should replicate cloud storage in order t ve a chance of recovery data in case of a main server failure

Issue 4 :Legal Issues Solution oth user and service provider must be updated with the loca s: overnments transfer laws and restrictions. any third party services are used by the provider then the la must educate the user about it. he user and/or service provider must be held liable for any iolations of the rules and regulations.

Issue 5 S:oftware as a Service (Saas) Solution software technology that offers services in cloud computing s: more frequently than desired. dergoes changes can develop a doubt in the minds of the customers. he cloud computing is in its initial stage of development ove ngent rule may not be so useful.

Failure of traditional web application firewall in the cloud The privacy settings of each cloud user could vary. Allocation of separate web application firewall/hardware for each of these settings will lead to enormous consumption of resources. Managing of these hardwares is tedious. Aim of using of less resources in the cloud is hampered.

Distributed Web Application Firewall (dWAF) It operates in a virtualized environment. It provides firewall as a service. The filtering is done by a combination of hardware and soft and also relies on how well it integrates with the existing Firewall Technologies. An user-friendly web based interface enables cloud users to specify their security settings.

erguard SaaS provided by Amazon Web Services is one of th AF’s available today to protect your cloud. It has basically tw des of operation. here are two modes of operation: etection only mode. rotection only mode.

Detection only mode: In this mode the administrator may only test new/proposed rule sets but will not enforce them. Although the administrator may use the exisiting proven rule sets to test the new rule sets.

Protection only mode: In this mode the administrator can enforce the rule sets that have been tested over and over again and proven. These rule sets are authorized to block an attempted attack. In this mode logging is performed for future analysis

Case Study: T - Mobile Sidekick Recently T-Mobile Sidekick cellphones which uses a cloud network to store the data present in the user’s cellphone suffered a major embarrassment. The data was stored in a server present on the cloud. The user could extract data from this server whenever needed because T Mobile were storing and providing data back to the users using this server.

Case Study: T – Mobile Sidekick The server crashed and the rest is history. There were no back up servers. All user’s data gone in the blink of an eye. Thus this incident points out the need to store user data even on a back up server.

References 1) AppSec Whitepaper.pdf(dwaf) 2 3) 4) 5) march april/0409 web1 data.aspx 6) 7) 8) 11&issue 81#sID200


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