OmniChannel Marketing Presented by Sonja Ceri

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OmniChannel Marketing Presented by Sonja Ceri

What is omnichannel? And how is it different to multi channel marketing? Multi-channel marketing refers primarily to reaching the right customers using a number of marketing channels. Omnichannel marketing focuses on the customer experience to ensure that it is consistent across all touchpoints of the journey.

Mindset planning lasers in on the high-level objectives that marketers help the business to achieve and the specific channels themselves become a secondary consideration.

Tactics & Experimentation The foundation of mindset planning is a focus on the entire buyer journey and how each funnel stage leads to the next. While there will be certain channels that are more suitable to each stage, this is not the primary consideration as they are just that – tactics. These tactics may include direct mail, digital advertising, events or any combination of marketing activities. The point is to ensure that the right mix of tactics aligns with the end goal of generating a sale or conversion. This can only be through experimentation.

Getting Omnichannel Customer Experience Right By Unifying the Tech

Integration all of the systems in your business – from your CRM and marketing automation system, to your advertising data management platform, call centre software and billing – to make them work in concert.

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