History of the Field JEOPARDY!

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History of the Field JEOPARDY!

Single Jeopardy Movements Acronyms Legislation Milestones Pioneers & Stages 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500

For 100 the answer is . This crusader and public policy pioneer was among the first to introduce victim-related issues to the public by addressing such subjects as domestic violence and sexual harassment. Who is . Susan B. Anthony?

For 200 the answer is . This President was the first to proclaim National Crime Victims’ Rights Week in addition to establishing the National Task Force on Victims of Crime. Who is . Ronald Reagan?

For 300 the answer is . This diagnosis was first officially recognized by the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual in 1980 to describe the psychological response of crime victims to their victimization. What is . Post Traumatic Stress Disorder?

For 400 the answer is . This Woman’s Movement book helped change attitudes and laws about sexual assault victims. What is . Against Our Will by Susan Brownmiller?

For 500 the answer is . This federal agency started funding victim/witness assistance programs as part of the “Law and Order” movement. What is . The Law Enforcement Assistance Administration (LEAA)?

For 100 the answer is . OVC What is . The Office for Victims of Crime?

For 200 the answer is . NOVA What is . The National Organization for Victim Assistance?

For 300 the answer is . NCADV What is . The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence?

For 400 the answer is . VOCA What is . The Victims of Crime Act?

For 500 the answer is . VALOR What is . Victim Assistance Legal Organization?

For 100 the answer is . This federal law, first enacted in 1994, provides protections and services for victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking. What is . Violence Against Women Act (VAWA)?

For 200 the answer is . Thirty-three states have adopted this fundamental protection for victims’ rights. What are . State Victims' Rights Constitutional Amendments?

For 300 the answer is . This 2004 law enhanced and enforced rights for victims in the federal criminal justice system. What is . The “Justice for All” or “Crime Victims Rights Act”?

For 400 the answer is . In 1980, this state enacted the first statutory “Bill of Rights for Victims and Witnesses of Crime.” What is . Wisconsin?

For 500 the answer is . This state passed the first law mandating arrest in domestic violence cases. What is . Oregon?

For 100 the answer is . Founded in 1978, this was the first national grassroots organization to support survivors of homicide. What is . Parents of Murdered Children (POMC)?

For 200 the answer is . Their 1982 report contained 68 recommendations to improve victims’ rights and services. What was . The President’s Task Force on Victims of Crime?

For 300 the answer is . In 1965, California became the first U.S. state to establish this type of direct support to victims of crime. What is . Crime Victim Compensation?

For 400 the answer is . Of the following, this was NOT one of the first victim-assistance programs: a. Aid for Victims of Crime, St. Louis, MO b. Safe Horizons, New York, NY c. Bay Area Women Against Rape, San Francisco, CA d. Rape Crisis Center, Washington, DC What is . Safe Horizons?

For 500 the answer is . The first U.S. academic program in victim services was developed at this university. What is . California State University, Fresno?

For 100 the answer is . She chaired the President’s Task Force on Victims of Crime. Who is . Lois Haight Herrington?

For 200 the answer is . These two Senators were the primary sponsors of the proposed Crime Victims’ Rights Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Who are Senator John Kyl & Senator Dianne Feinstein?

For 300 the answer is . He created the first victim-impact statement. Who is . James Rowland?

For 400 the answer is . They wrote The Crime Victim’s Book, the first “bible” for victim services. Who are . Morton Bard & Dawn Sangrey?

For 500 the answer is . They established Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD). Who are . Candy Lightener & Cindi Lamb?

History of the Field Final JEOPARDY!

Firsts in the Field The first American state to establish a public prosecutor’s office. What is . Connecticut?

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