Essential New Born Care (ENBC)

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Essential New Born Care (ENBC)

Learning Objectives By the end of this session, learners will be able to: Describe the importance of newborn care at birth List the steps of ENBC and their benefits Describe importance of giving injection Vitamin K to every newborn with route and doses 2

Importance of Care for Newborn at Birth Most of the neonatal deaths occur during Neonatal mortality and stillbirths delivery or on the day of (5.5 million) birth Intra partum 21.40% partum 80% Birth Day 18.50% Even for the deaths occurring in the rest of neonatal period, care given at the time of birth is an important influencer A lot of deaths of newborns due to hypothermia, asphyxia and infection can be prevented by providing Rest of first month after birth essential newborn care to 33.30% all newborns immediately Source:: JE Lawn et al.; Every newborn, progress, priorities and potential beyond survival; The Lancet (DOI:10.1016/S0140-6736(14)60496-7). after birth

Essential New Born Care (ENBC) 1. Call out the time of birth. 2. Deliver the baby onto a warm, clean and dry towel or cloth and keep on mother’s chest and abdomen (between the breasts). 3. Assess the baby’s breathing while drying.* 4. Immediately dry the baby with a warm clean towel or piece of cloth. 5. Clamp and cut the umbilical cord when cord pulsation stops or in 1-3 minutes (delayed cord clamping). 6. Leave the baby between the mother’s breasts to start skin-to-skin care. 7. Place an identity label on the baby. 8. Cover the baby’s head with a cap. Cover the mother and baby with a warm cloth. 9. Encourage the initiation of breastfeeding. 10.Administer inj. Vitamin K intramuscular to baby according to weight * - if the baby is not crying or breathing well, resuscitation needs to be carried out.

Benefits of Essential Newborn Care Place on dry and warm towel Warmth Immediate drying Cover baby’s head with cap Skin to skin contact Clean cord cut , cord tie and dry cord stump Early initiation of breast feeding Assess while drying Delayed cord clamping Infection prevention ENBC Mother’s milk Breathing Prevent neonatal

Injection Vitamin K for Newborn Benefits of Vit K Prevents hemorrhagic disease of newborn 6

Key Messages Most of the neonatal deaths occur during delivery or on the day of birth Newborn deaths due to hypothermia, asphyxia and infection can be prevented by providing ENBC to all of them immediately after birth Hypothermia can be prevented by immediate drying and keeping the baby in a dry cloth, skin-to-skin contact with mother and baby covered together and covering baby’s head with cap Assess baby for breathing to prevent asphyxia and initiate immediate breastfeeding to prevent hypoglycemia Give injection vitamin K to every baby to prevent haemorragic disease of newborn. 7

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