CSC 271 – Software I: Utilities and Internals Lecture 11 : Processes

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CSC 271 – Software I: Utilities and Internals Lecture 11 : Processes and Programming

UNIX/Linux and Processes In UNIX and Linux, everything is done within the context of a process. – A terminal checking to see if someone is trying to log in is a process. – Logging is another process. – The shell running on a terminal window is a process.

Process IDs Every process running on a Linux sysem has its own process ID number, known as a pid. Pids are 16-bit numbers that are assigned sequentially. Every process (with one exception) has a parent process, whose process id number is known as ppid.

printpid.c SIEGFRIE@panther: /c cat printpid.c #include stdio.h #include unistd.h int { main(void) printf("The process ID is %d\n", (int)getpid()); printf("The parent process ID is %d\n", (int) getppid()); return(0); } SIEGFRIE@panther: /c

SIEGFRIE@panther: /c printpid The process ID is 12301 The parent process ID is 12226 SIEGFRIE@panther: /c printpid The process ID is 12302 The parent process ID is 12226 SIEGFRIE@panther: /c printpid The process ID is 12303 The parent process ID is 12226 SIEGFRIE@panther: /c

ps The ps command displays the processes that are running on the computer. The standard way of running only lists the processes belonging to the user's terminal. There are other variations that run on other variants of UNIX.

ps – An Example SIEGFRIE@panther: /c ps PID TTY TIME CMD 12226 pts/7 00:00:00 bash 12448 pts/7 00:00:00 ps SIEGFRIE@panther: /c

ps – More Example SIEGFRIE@panther: /c ps -f UID PID PPID C STIME TTY TIME SIEGFRIE 12226 12225 0 22:00 pts/7 00:00:00 SIEGFRIE 12457 12226 0 22:19 pts/7 00:00:00 SIEGFRIE@panther: /c ps -l F S UID PID PPID C PRI NI ADDR SZ WCHAN TIME CMD 0 S 16131 12226 12225 0 80 0 - 3713 wait 00:00:00 bash 0 R 16131 12458 12226 0 80 0 - 2112 00:00:00 ps SIEGFRIE@panther: /c ps -j PID PGID SID TTY TIME CMD 12226 12226 12226 pts/7 00:00:00 bash 12461 12461 12226 pts/7 00:00:00 ps SIEGFRIE@panther: /c CMD -bash ps -f TTY pts/7 pts/7

ps – Another Example SIEGFRIE@panther: /c ps -eo pid -eo ppid PID PPID 1 0 2 0 3 2 . . 30238 30228 30239 30238 30771 1 31095 1 31174 1 31178 1 SIEGFRIE@panther: /c

ps – Another Example SIEGFRIE@panther: /c total 268 -rw------1 root aquota.user drwxr-xr-x 2 root drwxr-xr-x 3 root drwxr-xr-x 16 root drwxr-xr-x 145 root drwxr-xr-x 2 root drwx-----2 root lost found drwxr-xr-x 3 root system root 4096 May 21 drwxr-xr-x root 4096 2 root root 126976 Aug 15 09:50 root root root root 4096 4096 4260 12288 Nov Nov Oct Nov 6 1 1 7 09:46 15:35 09:02 15:39 bin boot dev etc root root 4096 Nov 1 15:33 lib64 16384 May 21 2011 2011 media

fork and exec Linux uses two different processes to create a state. fork() makes an exact copy of the process. – Both parent and child processes are given the pid for their child. – The child process, having no children yet has a child pid of 0.

Killing a Process A process can be killed by issue the correct signal. The kill command sends a process a SIGTERM signal

Creating Processes There are two methods for creating a new process: Using the system call – inefficient and has security risks Using fork and exec – more complex but provides better flexibility

system system provides an easy way to execute a command from within a program, as if the command were typed within its shell. system creates a subprocess that runs the Bourne shell and then hands the commands to the subprocess to run it. If the shell cannot be run, it returns 127. If its any other abnormal termination , it returns 0.

fork() The fork() system call is used to create a copy of the process that issues the call. fork() returns the process identification number (pid) of the child process; the child process gets 0 from fork() while the parent gets the child's pid.

fork.c #include #include #include stdio.h sys/types.h unistd.h int main(void) { pid t child pid; printf("The main program process ID is %d\n", (int)getpid()); child pid fork();

if (child pid ! 0) { printf("This is the parent process, " "with id %d\n", (int) getpid()); printf("The child\'s process ID is %d\n", (int) child pid); } else printf("This is the child process, " "with id %d\n", (int)getpid()); return(0); }

Running fork.c SIEGFRIE@panther: /c gcc -o ./bin/myfork fork.c SIEGFRIE@panther: /c myfork The main program process ID is 5169 This is the parent process, with id 5169 The child's process ID is 5170 This is the child process, with id 5170 SIEGFRIE@panther: /c

execv() execv() is one of a family of system calls that replaces the image of the process running with that of another process that is specified. The form of the system call is int execv(const char *path, char *const argv[]); where path is the path of the process to replace the current one and argv are the command line parameters, with a NULL at the end.

runhello.c #include #include #include int stdio.h stdlib.h unistd.h main(void) { char *temp[] {NULL,"hello","world",NULL}; temp[0] "hello"; execv("hello",temp); printf("error"); }

Running runhello SIEGFRIE@panther: /c runhello Filename: hello hello world SIEGFRIE@panther: /c

fork() and execv() If you wish to run a subprogram within another program: 1. fork the process and then 2. exec the subprogram. This allows the calling program to continue execution in the parent process while the calling program is replaced by the subprogram in the child process.

copyhello.c #include stdio.h #include stdlib.h #include unistd.h int { main(void) pid t child pid; char *temp[] {NULL,"hello","world", NULL}; /* Duplicate this process. */ child pid fork ();

if (child pid ! 0) { /* This is the parent process. */ printf("This is the parent\n"); exit(0); } else { temp[0] "hello"; execv("hello",temp); printf("error"); } }

SIEGFRIE@panther: /c gcc -o ./bin/copyhello copyhello.c SIEGFRIE@panther: /c copyhello This is the parent SIEGFRIE@panther: /c Filename: hello hello world SIEGFRIE@panther: /c

Running copyhello SIEGFRIE@panther: /c copyhello This is the parent SIEGFRIE@panther: /c Filename: hello hello world SIEGFRIE@panther: /c

Using wait() It is often desirable for the parent process to wait until one or more child processes have completed before continuing execution. This can be done with the wait family of system calls; they allow you to wait for a process to finish executing, and enable the parent process to retrieve information about its child’s termination.

few.c #include #include #include #include #include #include unistd.h sys/types.h errno.h stdio.h sys/wait.h stdlib.h int global; /* In BSS segment, will automatically be assigned '0'*/ int main() {

pid t child pid; int status; int local 0; /* now create new process */ child pid fork(); if (child pid 0) { /* fork succeeded */ if (child pid 0) { /* fork() returns 0 for the child process */ printf("child process!\n");

/* Increment the local and global variables */ local ; global ; printf("child PID %d, parent " "pid %d\n", getpid(), getppid()); printf("\n child's local %d, " "child's global %d\n", local,global); char *cmd[] {"whoami",(char*)0}; /* call whoami command */ return execv("/usr/bin/",cmd); }

else /* parent process */ { printf("parent process!\n"); printf("parent PID %d, child " "pid %d\n", getpid(), child pid); /* wait for child to exit, and store child's exit status */ wait(&status); printf("Child exit code: %d\n", WEXITSTATUS(status)); /* * The change in local and global * variable in child process should * not reflect here in parent process. */

printf("\n Parent'z local %d," " parent's global %d\n", local,global); printf("Parent says bye!\n"); exit(0); /* parent exits */ } } else /* failure */ { perror("fork"); exit(0); } }

Running few SIEGFRIE@panther: /c few parent process! child process! parent PID 5923, child pid 5924 child PID 5924, parent pid 5923 child's local 1, child's global 1 Child exit code: 255 Parent'z local 0, parent's Parent says bye! SIEGFRIE@panther: /c global 0

Process Scheduling Linux schedules parent and child processes independent of each other, so there is no guarantee of which process will run first or how long it will run before it is pre-empted for the other process (or some other process). The user can specify which process is less important by assigning it a niceness value, that can be changed subsequently if the user desires.

nice – An Example You can run sort input.txt output.txt By writing nice –n 10 input.txt output.txt you reduce its priority. You can use renice to change its nice factor. Only root can run a process with a negative nice factor or change it for a process that is running.

What are signals? Signals provide a mechanism for communicating with and manipulating processes in Linux. A signal is an asynchronous message sent to a process; when a process receives a signal, it processes it immediately, without finishing the current code that its about to execution.

Types of Signals SIGKILL This signal ends a process immediately and cannot be handled.

Examples of Signals Type of Signal Explanationn SIGHUP Linux sends a process this signal when it becomes disconnected from a terminal SIGINT Linux sends a process this signal when the user tries to end it by pressing Ctrl C. SIGILL A process gets this signal when it attempts to execute an illegal instruction. SIGABRT The abort function causes the process to receive this signal. SIGFPE The process has executed an invalid floating-point math instruction. SIGKILL This signal ends a process immediately and cannot be handled.

What Do Processes Do With Signals? When a process receives a signal, it may do one of several things, depending on the signal’s disposition. Each signal has a default disposition, which determines what happens to the process if the program does not specify some behavior.

What Do Processes Do With Signals? (continued) For most signal types, a program may specify some other behavior—either to ignore the signal or to call a special signal-handler function to respond to the signal. If a signal handler is used, the currently executing program is paused, the signal handler is executed, and, when the signal handler returns, the program resumes.

Processes Signaling Other Processes A process may also send a signal to another process. This mechanism is used to end another process by sending it a SIGTERM or SIGKILL signal.

Processes Signaling Other Processes (continued) Processes will also send a command to a running program; SIGUSR1 and SIGUSR2 are user-defined signals reserved for this purpose. The SIGHUP signal is sometimes used for this purpose as well, commonly to wake up an idling program or cause a program to reread its configuration files.

sigaction() The sigaction() system call is used to change the action taken by a process on receipt of a specific signal. Usage: #include signal.h int sigaction(int signum, const struct sigaction *act, struct sigaction *oldact); signum specifies the signal and can be any valid signal except SIGKILL and SIGSTOP. act is the new action to be performed. oldact is the old action that had been performed.

memset() void *memset(void *str, int c, size t n) copies the character c (an unsigned char) to the first n characters of the string pointed to by the argument str.

sa handler() sa handler specifies the action to be associated with signum. The action may be SIG DFL for the default action, SIG IGN to ignore this signal, or a pointer to a signal handling function. This function receives the signal number as its only argument.

siguser.c #include #include #include #include #include signal.h stdio.h string.h sys/types.h unistd.h sig atomic t sigusr1 count 0; void handler (int signal number) { sigusr1 count; }

int main (void) { int i; struct sigaction sa; memset (&sa, 0, sizeof (sa)); handler &handler; sigaction (SIGINT, &sa, NULL); for (i 0; i 10; i ) { sleep(1); printf("Hi there!\n"); } printf ("SIGILL was raised %d times\n", sigusr1 count); return 0; }

SIEGFRIE@panther: /c siguser Hi there! Hi there! Hi there! CHi there! Hi there! Hi there! Hi there! CHi there! CHi there! Hi there! SIGILL was raised 3 times SIEGFRIE@panther: /c

Killing a Process The kill command is used to pass a signal to a process. The format of the command: kill –n pid where n is the signal and pid is the process id number. Example kill -9 20401

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