Broadband Access in the Information Economy David Strom, david@strom

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Broadband Access in the Information Economy David Strom, [email protected] (516) 944-3407 VINA Briefing

Summary Broadband issues My own experiences at home and work Considering cable or xDSL choices 2000 David Strom Inc. p. 2

Broadband Issues Not easy to get service, still! Choices are nice, but confusing T-1 prices are coming down What ever happened to ISDN? CLECs are slowly getting their act together (if only their ISP customers would pay them) 2000 David Strom Inc. p. 3

Telecom Act 1996 Fallout Telephones have become as reliable as PCs Now everyone can become a CLEC – all it takes is a modem bank and a dream Slight improvement in iLEC attitudes Downtown COs are now prime real estate Data is still a 4 letter word to most iLECs 2000 David Strom Inc. p. 4

My Experiences Home: Cablevision Optimum Online since 1/99, two hour install, multiple outages. Overall bandwidth 10x ISDN Work: Bell Atlantic ISDN 1/96-4/99; Covad Telespeed since 4/99. (2 ISPs!) Become neighborhood tech support source Disclaimer: Covad investor and advisor 2000 David Strom Inc. p. 5

Why Two DSL ISPs? Prices are competitive Spotty service from first ISP It’s the latency, stupid! 2000 David Strom Inc. p. 6

Cable Advantages One phone-call install Customer knows nothing about routers Wiring is already in the home – sort of 2000 David Strom Inc. p. 7

Cable Disadvantages Reliability and reputation low: single supplier per area No relationships with business users Need firewall and/or security improvements As popularity grows, bandwidth drops (220 x ISDN connection) Some MSOs don’t support LANs 2000 David Strom Inc. p. 8

xDSL Advantages Not sharing your connection Competition in many urban areas Cost competitive with T-1 service 2000 David Strom Inc. p. 9

xDSL Disadvantages Multiple truck rolls Customer is caught among ISP, iLEC and CLEC Limited number of routers supported Confusing choices of speeds and technologies Distance limits for some suburban users 2000 David Strom Inc. p. 10

The Future Broadband still has plenty of room to improve CLECs have many hurdles Cable operators have to overcome their crummy service reputation Integrated voice/data not the prime driver; it’s reliable service We are still years away from enhanced services such as voic and video 2000 David Strom Inc. p. 11

Our Panel Dorothy Atwood, FCC Shirley Bloomfield, NTCA David Bolger, USTA Terry Monroe, CompTel David Rendall, Gartner Mark Uncapher, ITAA John Windhausen, ALTS 2000 David Strom Inc. p. 12

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