Sun Devils Together Student in Need Training Identify, Address,

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Sun Devils Together Student in Need Training Identify, Address, Act Together

About Us Maryam Abdul Rashid Skyliana Dosier Omar Sanchez Marquez

Learning Outcomes: 1. Identify students & their needs 2. Next steps to take as staff 3. Know the resources: Communicate with each other & Dean of Students Office

ASU is a comprehensive public research university, measured not by whom it excludes, but by whom it includes and how they succeed; advancing research and discovery of public value; and assuming fundamental responsibility for the economic, social, cultural, and overall health of the communities it serves.

Impact: 52% University Students experience needs insecurity 61,880 ASU students are at-risk or experiencing needs insecurities HOPE Lab (2019).

“These students are sleeping in cars, university libraries or other buildings with public access, camping in nearby wooded areas, and ‘couch surfing’ with friends and fellow students” Paden, 2012. Kindred (2016).

Part I: How to identify & next steps

1. Be aware of behavioral, emotional, academic, or hygienic changes Your student or tutor is quieter, more tired than usual, or is wearing the same clothes You notice that they are struggling with their classes, or they might have pending suspensions

2. Ask caring and open ended questions “I notice that you are more tired today, are you getting enough sleep?” “How are you feeling today? You seem a little off? Did something happen? Would you like to talk about it?”

3. Identify and support student in accessing resources Refer Resource Pamphlet You may need to walk a student to the correct department Immediately inform supervisor

Part II: Activity

Reflection & Summary

Thank you!

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