Stop the Spread Protect yourself and others from Covid-19 Toolbox

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Stop the Spread Protect yourself and others from Covid-19 Toolbox Talk for all John Holland employees and subcontractors

Why are there so many restrictions in place? – Someone can have the virus, and pass it onto others, and not know for up to 14 days. – One person may only experience minor symptoms, while a different person ends up in hospital or worse. – Perfectly healthy people have died from this virus. It does not discriminate. – We don’t yet have a vaccine or medication to stop people contracting COVID-19. – We can only rely on everyone doing the right thing to save lives. Remember that this number may change as we learn more about COVID-19 2

How can you stop the spread? 3

Stop the spread 1. Wash your hands – thoroughly! One of the simplest ways to protect ourselves and protect others is something we do every day anyway, but we need to do it better. – Increase the frequency and pay attention to when you are washing or sanitising your hands. Do it before and after eating, drinking or touching your face Wash your hands after using the bathroom Spend twenty seconds soaping and rinsing Washing before protects ourselves Washing after protects others

Stop the spread 2. Sneeze or cough into your elbow – Our hands can easily infect surfaces and things others may also touch. – When using the crook of your elbow, ensure your nose and mouth are both covered. – If you fail to sneeze into your elbow, wash or sanitise your hands immediately before touching anything else.

Stop the spread 3. Maintain social distancing If your role can be done remotely, you should do it If you are not doing something essential, you should be at home. – When you are around others, keep at least 1.5 metres away from each other. – Wave instead of shaking hands or hugging. – Use technology wherever possible to avoid face-to- face meetings – This is not just for those experiencing symptoms. Everyone must be doing this. m If you can stay at home, you must stay at home 1. 5 et re s – Social distancing means:

Stop the spread 4. Social distancing is now law – Enjoying smoko or a coffee together is in our nature, but we need to stop for now m 1. 5 – On-the-spot fines given for car-pooling, gathering in groups outside a worksite or on a meal break and not following the 1.5 metre social distancing laws et re s – Police are patrolling – Very strict laws apply in private life too, so know what’s what in our state and help stop the spread Ev an en d ou on ts br i d ea e ks si te – Don’t gather with more than one other person outside a construction site: before work, after work or on a break

Stop the spread 5. Enable a hygienic and safe workplace – Minimise touch points – Spread out chairs and tables to 1.5 metres apart – Increase cleaning frequency (minimum twice a day) 1. 5 m et re s – Provide ample hygiene supplies – Limit non-essential visitors – Provide flexible working where possible to minimise people at the workplace – Consider split or roster teams to stagger attendance at prestart and the office

If you’re sick, stay home and isolate – If you are sick, go home and stay at home. – Call the doctor’s office before going in. – Have groceries delivered to your house. – Properly isolate for at least 14 days or until you have medical clearance. – If you test positive, ensure your manager at work knows as soon as possible so they can do what needs to be done – Contact others you may have been in contact with outside of work. 9

Help each other Talk to the Employee Assistance Program if you or your family are struggling with isolation Try to switch off from the news if it’s getting you down Connect with people in new ways – Zoom, FaceTime Try healthy hobbies – a run, gardening, kick a soccer ball on the local oval (not in a group) Stream TV series you enjoy Find some good memes to make you laugh 10

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