“Sleeping Beauty” Edward Frederick Brewtnall

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“Sleeping Beauty” Edward Frederick Brewtnall

The Language of Flowers Brewtnall attended the Warrington School of Art in the early 1860s when it was based in the museum. He liked to paint romantic subjects or fairy tales. To the Victorians, flowers conveyed a hidden meaning. The sunflowers in the hero’s jacket represent pure and lofty thoughts.

Create a flower design using paper collage Choose three coloured papers depending on your chosen flowerI’m using sunflower colours with a green background as I chose the flower design of the hero’s jacket. Cut the flower centres and arrange on the contrasting background.

Cut a larger circle for the petals and snip in. Keep the triangles you cut out. Arrange the flower centres. Use the triangles as petals for a couple of the flowers. When you’re happy with the lay-out, glue it all down.

Add Texture Details I added detail in penbut you may prefer to keep to the coloured shapes. You could choose a rose or lily - or another flower you can see in the painting as the basis for your design.

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