Public Speaking 101 Leadership Mini Series A Student Leadership

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Public Speaking 101 Leadership Mini Series A Student Leadership Discussion Series

Be sure to take a look at the notes section below each slide for more information and links to video examples and other online resources.

Why is Public Speaking an Important Skill to Have? Public speaking is a great life skill to have as it is necessary in many different areas. Class projects Job/internship presentations Club/organization meetings or events Speech at a family gathering such as a wedding, birthday, anniversary, etc.

10 Ways to Improve Your Public Speaking Skills

1.Watch the Experts Watch clips from great public speakers and find out what they do right. Pick up on their posture, tone, volume, hand gestures, eye contact, attire, any audio/visual aids, message, and more!

2.Dress to Impress Be sure to look the part. Know your audience and don’t fall short of their expectations. If it is a formal event, be sure to look the part. Remember it is always best to overdress than to underdress.

3.Visit the Space Before Presenting Get to know the space that you will be presenting in. Test out any audio and visual aids that you will be using.

4.Know Your Material Be sure to have a strong knowledge base for the material that you are covering. This will be helpful if a question arises about the topic. Also, know your presentation! Know the content and order of your slides.

5.Content There are 6 C’s to consider: clear coherent concise complete concrete correct Tip: Try to share one thing no one knows

6.Body Language and Personality Watch yourself in the mirror when you are practicing or record yourself on camera. Be aware of your body language, what is it conveying to your audience? Let your personality shine through! Some speakers find it useful to share a personal story that is relevant and appropriate.

7.Practice, Practice, Practice Run through your presentation on your own. Pay attention to your: Voice- Tone, inflection, volume, speed, pauses Filler Words- ‘um,’ ‘you know,’ ‘like’ Areas of difficulty in your presentation

8.Get Feedback Share your presentation with a friend, classmate, professor, or anyone who is willing to give you feedback. Adjust your presentation with their feedback and then get feedback again.

9.Prepare for the Unexpected Are you ready for: No Internet Forgot handouts Lost PowerPoint Lost index cards Cell phone ringing Too many Late entrance questions Different size audience than expected

10.Do’s and Don’ts Do: Always repeat audience questions Give audiences something to walk away with Respect your audience’s time Don’t: make excuses read your slides or verbatim from notes defer answering questions overload your

Your Turn! Take your next presentation and practice in front of the mirror. Implement some of the suggestions from this presentation and improve your public speaking skills!

Sources ks#0 85.htm http:// 0 Click on the hyperlinks above to view the specific article.

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