National Information Assurance Partnership NIAP 2000 Building More

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National Information Assurance Partnership NIAP 2000 Building More Secure Systems for the New Milleniumsm

NIAP Roadmap Introduction Partnership Objectives Program Areas, Activities, and Services FY 2000 Projects Security Requirements Definition and Testing Mutual Recognition Education, Training and Outreach Programs Summary

Today’s Climate Rapidly changing information technologies and compressed technology life cycles Growing complexity of IT products and systems Increasing connectivity among systems Dependence on commercial off-the-shelf IT products and systems Need for greater assurance in critical information infrastructures (both public and private sector)

Today’s Challenge Consumers have access to an increasing number of security-enhanced IT products with different capabilities and limitations Consumers must decide which products provide an appropriate degree of protection for their information systems Impact: choice of products affects the security of systems in the critical information infrastructure

What is Needed? Producers of IT products need to have a better understanding of consumer’s information security requirements Consumers of IT products need to have better ways to: specify desired security features assess the security claims made by producers

Introducing NIAP NIAP is a collaboration between the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and the National Security Agency (NSA) to meet the security testing needs of information technology (IT) producers and consumers The long-term goal of NIAP is to increase the level of trust consumers have in their systems and networks through the use of cost-effective testing, evaluation and validation programs

Partnership Objectives Promote the development and use of evaluated IT products and systems Champion the development and use of national and international standards for IT security Foster research and development of IT security requirements, test methods, tools, techniques, and assurance metrics Support a framework for international recognition and acceptance of IT security evaluation results Facilitate the development and growth of a commercial IT security testing industry within the U.S.

Program Areas Security Requirements Definition and Specification How do we tell product developers what types of IT security we want? Product and System Security Testing and Evaluation How do we know if developers produced what we asked for? Information Assurance Research How can we improve the ways we achieve assurance in our products and systems?

Activities and Services Operate Common Criteria Evaluation and Validation Scheme for IT Security Maintain lists of approved IT security testing laboratories, validated products, and approved test methods Support the International Mutual Recognition Arrangement for IT security evaluations Issue Common Criteria certificates for IT products that have been successfully evaluated and validated Promote government and industry forums for the development of IT security requirements and specifications

Activities and Services Support information systems security evaluation and assessment programs Provide state-of-the-art, web based repository of security testing information for IT products and systems Sponsor technical classes and workshops for IT product developers, testing laboratories, and consumers Collaborate with industry in the research and development of tools, techniques, and methods for IT security testing Serve as a general center for expertise and resources for the IT security testing community

NIAP 2000 Projects Common Criteria Evaluation and Validation Scheme Cryptographic Module Protection Profile Development Healthcare Security Forum Smart Card Security Forum Telecommunications Security Forum Common Criteria Tool Box Automated Security Testing INFOSEC Assessment Program Threat and Vulnerability Research Security in Open Source Software

Defining Requirements ISO Standard 15408 Protection Profiles Operating Systems Database Systems Firewalls Smart Cards Access Control Identification Authentication Audit Cryptography A flexible, robust catalogue of IT security requirements (features and assurances) Consumer-driven security requirements in specific information technology areas

Industry Responds Protection Profile Firewall Security Requirements A consumer statement of security requirements to industry Security Targets Firewall Product 4 Firewall Product 3 Firewall Product 2 Firewall Product 1 Security Features and Assurances Vendors statements of security claims for their IT products

Automated Tools Helping Consumers IT Product Security Requirements Helping Industry IT Product Security Specifications

Demonstrating Conformance Private sector, accredited security testing laboratories conduct evaluations IT Products Vendors bring IT products to independent, impartial testing facilities for security evaluation Common Criteria Testing Labs Test Report Test results validated by NIAP and CC certificate issued

Mutual Recognition NIAP, in conjunction with the U.S. State Department, negotiated a Common Criteria Mutual Recognition Arrangement that: Provides recognition of U.S. issued certificates by Canada, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Australia, and New Zealand Eliminates need for security evaluations in more than one country and provides excellent global market opportunities for U.S. IT product vendors

NIAP Testing Advantages Specification of security features and assurances based on an International Standard Evaluation methodology based on an International Standard---leading to comparability of test results Testing laboratory expertise assessed by NIST’s National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program---an internationally recognized program based on international standards Quality technical oversight provided by NIST/NSA experts Evaluation results recognized by many nations

Education and Training Common Criteria Protection Profile Development Classes Common Evaluation Methodology Familiarization Classes Common Criteria Evaluation and Validation Technical Workshops Information Assurance Workshops

Summary NIAP is helping secure the critical information infrastructure (public and private sectors) by: Promoting the development of a commercial security testing industry in U.S. Increasing the security of IT systems through wider availability of evaluated products Providing product developers with an opportunity to sell evaluated products in world-wide markets

Contact Information National Information Assurance Partnership 100 Bureau Drive Mailstop 8930 Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8930 Director Deputy Director Technical Advisor Dr. Ron S. Ross NIST-ITL (301) 975-5390 Terry Losonsky NSA-V1 (301) 975-4764 R. Kris Britton NSA-V1 (410) 854-4458 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Email: [email protected] World Wide Web: Conference Web Site:

First International Common Criteria Conference 23-25 May 2000 Baltimore Convention Center Baltimore, MD sponsored by National Information Assurance Partnership 100 Bureau Drive Mailstop 8930 Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8930 World Wide Web:

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