A Scalable Bandwidth Management Architecture for Supporting

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A Scalable Bandwidth Management Architecture for Supporting VoIP Applications Using Bandwidth Broker Zhenhai Duan, Zhi-Li Zhang University of Minnesota

Problem Statement How to manage bandwidth allocation for an IP network domain to support VoIP. – Fast time scale resource allocation/de-allocation: frequent call arrivals and departures. – Potentially large volume of calls within any short time period.

Current Solutions Static bandwidth allocation at voice gateways – Difficult to reflect the dynamic call arrival and departure nature. – Resource over-provisioning or under-provisioning.

Current Solutions (Cont’d) Admission control based on local resources at voice gateways – CPU, local interface bandwidth usage. Centralized Bandwidth Broker – Scalability, bottleneck. – Bandwidth occupied by signaling message between edge router/gateway and BB.

What Is Our Goal? A scalable bandwidth allocation scheme that can use network resources in an efficient way in the highly dynamic VoIP environment. As a first step, only consider one IP network domain.

Overview of the Architecture Voice gateways are deployed at the edge of the IP network domain. A Centralized Bandwidth Broker is deployed to manage the link-level bandwidth allocation/deallocation. – It interacts with voice GW’s, not end user calls.

Overview of the Architecture (cont’d)

Overview of the Architecture (Cont’d) Based on a two-level resource representation introduced by Zhang, Duan, et al. for the bandwidth management at a Bandwidth Broker. – A link-level QoS state database, – A path-level QoS state database.

Overview of the Architecture (Cont’d) Each voice gateway has several peer voice gateways where the path between a gateway and a peer gateway is preset. Paths are bi-directional. Bandwidth is allocated from the cBB to a voice gateway in units of quota. A voice gateway takes in charge of the call admission control for the paths to its peer voice gateways.

How the Scheme Works Initially, certain bandwidth is allocated to each path of every gateway in units of quota (e.g., one quota of bandwidth). When a new call arrives at a gateway, the GW identifies the path for the call. – Accept, if enough bandwidth – Otherwise, request a quota from cBB for the path.

How the Scheme Works (Cont’d) cBB: When it receives a quota request from a gateway, – Grants the quota request, if extra bandwidth available on all the links along the path. – Reject the quota request, consequently the call is refused. When an existing call departs, a GW, – Returns an extra quota to cBB if the extra bandwidth beyond certain threshold (larger than a quota)

Advantages of the Architecture A hierarchical, scalable, adaptive bandwidth management scheme, – All user calls handled at individual voice gateways, admission controls at voice gateways are based on a simple comparison with the path state, no link-by-link is required at voice gateways, – cBB only needs to take charge of slow time scale quota allocation/de-allocation, – Dynamic bandwidth allocation between GW’s and cBB.

Cost of the Architecture Bandwidth allocated between cBB and GW’s in units of quota, potential waste of bw, higher call blocking rate. However, simulation shows that it is comparable with the central BB only scheme. – Blocking a call only happens when network utilization is high. In low utilization, both will not block a call. – Small quota size has lower blocking rate compared with that of larger ones.

Simulation Setting Each call has unit bandwidth request. One bottleneck link, C 5400 Three paths sharing the link, all calls are uniformly distributed onto the three paths.

Simulation Results

Conclusion and Future Work A scalable, adaptive bandwidth allocation architecture, reflecting the dynamic nature of the VoIP environment. Extending to multi-domain environment. Probabilistic admission call schemes.

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