Freytag’s Pyramid

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Freytag’s Pyramid

What are the parts of a plot? Exposition Background information that sets the scene and gets us ready for the story

What are the parts of a plot? Initial Incident An event that starts the action of the story Signals the beginning of the conflict

What are the parts of a plot? Rising Action The story builds and gets more exciting The plot develops

What are the parts of a plot? Climax The moment of greatest tension in a story. This is often the most exciting event. The event that the rising action builds up to.

What are the parts of a plot? Falling Action The events that happen as a result of the climax. Signal that the story is soon going to end.

What are the parts of a plot? Resolution The main problem or conflict is solved! Dénouement: any remaining secrets, questions or mysteries which remain are revealed. Opposite of exposition Theme and the future

How do all of the parts fit together? Which parts would occur at the beginning of a story? In the middle? Exposition, Initial Incident Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action At the end? Resolution/Dénouement

How do all of the parts fit together? 3 4 1 KEY 2 1.Exposition 2.Initial Incident / TurningPoint 3.Climax 4.Denouement/ Resolution

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